Saturday, May 23, 2020

Do I believe Biocoms already exist? Yes!

But, they weren't originally designed on earth. And most people who have them are Galactic Citizens living here on earth. Someone was speaking to me recently and talking to me about how many non-Earth born Beings there are here presently on earth. I was surprised at what they said about this.

Do I have confirmation regarding any of this information? No.

But, it has been a regular experience most of my life to look a some humans and think: "This isn't a human being. This is some kind of being pretending to be human."
I'm sure all of you have had this kind of experience. Because aliens to earth have the ability usually to appear to be a bird or rock or tree or deer or another human being no matter what they actually look like.

And then you have strange beings like Yetis and Bigfoot beings that can mask what they look like right here on earth. So, I'm not really sure how many earth species beyond Bigfoot and Yetis that can actually do that. And some Human Shamans are supposed to be able to do this too, even though I haven't seen this in person in a way that this was proved to me completely. Although I totally believe that this is possible.

The world that most people live in is very very small because they are afraid. You have to be a very brave person to live in the world that I do by approaching everything scientifically but still believing in God and Angels because they are an everyday experience.

But, that also means that aliens (both good and neutral and bad aliens) also exist just like there are good and bad and neutral human beings. It's the same.

So, the more you know the better you can protect yourselves and the less you know the more often you will be road kill in all of this, especially now with the coronavirus.

Because governments of the world seem to be involved (including ours) in killing Americans and everyone on earth with coronavirus, especially Trump. For me, this is obvious. But then, I have never trusted a single thing he has ever said. So, I have never been a Trump fan.

So, the more you know the more likely you will survive all of this. But, you also need a way to center so Believing in God and Angels will help keep you alive through all of this.

By God's Grace

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