Saturday, May 23, 2020

Why we can remember "Future Lives" we live?

Until I was 50 and preparing to die I didn't fully understand the relationship a soul has with time and space.

What I discovered was that a Soul doesn't actually live in time and space UNLESS it is living in a physical body like the kind we live in as souls here on earth.

I also discovered that what our souls are are immortal beings that exist outside of time and space as their natural state. But, they can also live in time and space in bodies like we presently live in also. So, a soul is actually a type of very primal species that in some ways is never born and never dies.

But, you would have to experience this for it to make full sense to you.

By God's Grace

A Soul can experience millions of years in the past or the present or millions of years in the future or all time and all space or no time and no space. A Soul is capable of all these things and much more.

By God's Grace


Even though I prepared to die in Fall of 1998 to May of 1999 I didn't die By God's Grace and I'm still here to write about it all for you.

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