Thursday, September 3, 2020

As bad as 2017 since Trump was inaugurated has been the most horrific time in my lifetime, the coronavirus with Trump is 100 times worse

Because Trump has been killing people (literally with words) all over the planet BEFORE coronavirus and now he has managed to kill 186,000 tested Coronavirus cases on top of that.
But if you multiply that by 3 to include the non-tested coronavirus deaths in the U.S. you get 558,000 actual deaths from Coronavirus so far.

To put this into perspective we lost 50,000 of our boys and girls in the Viet Nam War over 10 years time.

So, so far we have lost (because of Trump) over 11 times the amount of people that we lost to the Viet Nam War.

And we likely have already 11 times the walking wounded of people temporarily or permanently so wounded from the loss of loved ones and friends that many of these will never recover.

I blame all this now on Trump. But, then again he has no conscience sort of like Hitler who had exactly the same mental illness as Trump.

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