Friday, September 4, 2020

Why Trump calls Veterans and our fallen soldiers since the 1770s Losers and Suckers

 Trump was taught to think this way by his father. For example, he told Don Junior when he wanted to join the army that he would be disinherited if he did this. This came directly from his Ku Klux Klan Fred Trump Senior who was arrested for beating up Catholic Cops as a member of the KKK in the 1920s. Look it up in the news if you don't believe me.
So, this KKK attitude Donald Trump shares and told his son he would disinherit him and disown him if he joined the Army when he was around 18 or 20.
So, anyone in the Trump family who joins the military male or female would be automatically disinherited because he would be deemed a Loser and a Sucker. This is just Trump 101.
If you don't believe this then I feel sorry for you because it also means you have a 50-50 chance of dying from Coronavirus during the next few years.

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