Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A Question of Balance

New Fiction? The following is a part of the ongoing saga of Elohar and Ragna, future incarnations of my parents in the 70th century. Whether they lived this before or after or concurrently during and after my birth I can't say. However, this began today.

As I walked up the trail with my dogs this morning I knew because of the simple fact that I had forgotten to bring my cellphone that I might see Elohar today. She has been dropping in more lately the last 6 months or more sort of like a mother or a therapist might drop on someone they were concerned about.

I met her on the trail. It is always startling to me to meet what looks a lot like my mother did when I was about 6 years old only with auburn colored hair this time. But still those expressive green eyes that seem to twinkle with the spark of eternity and compassion are still there. So startling is always my first experience of my mother, the Time Traveller from the future reincarnated. She greets me, "HI Jonathan(Fred's alter ego)! How have you been?" This always seems trite as she knows what I'm thinking and what I've been through in this life in some ways better than I do. I answer, "Hi Elohar. It's good to see you too. How's Ragna, my new Dad?" Elohar looked a little bewildered at this question. She said, "He's about 1 million years in the future with Arcane on New Deva. Arcane wanted him to meet Arcane when he was about 15 years old. I think he wanted to show Ragna the similarity between Arcane and you." I laughed. "Arcane is just so much like me Ma---sorry Elohar. It's just very easy to slip back into being the 7 year old I once was when I see you like this." She smiled. That's good I'm glad she's taking it well. She said, "I expect this sort of thing especially because of the state your mother is presently in." I looked at her imploringly and said, "Why is my mother spending so much time here on earth in this Senile dementia state. What good is it?" She seemed thoughtful and said, "You aren't a woman, Jonathan. You just wouldn't understand and even if I told you you would think it stupid." I said, "Try me." She said, "Okay. You asked for it. Don't say I didn't warn you. It's not about you, Jonathan. When you told your mother goodbye you were intuiting correctly. Because you let her go she knew she was free to do as she needed to do as a soul. No longer did she have to be your mother. In a way she was reincarnated in the same body." I said, "Why?" Elohar looked carefully at me and said, "Your mother had to grow up too fast. She had no time to live. Her childhood during the great depression was very tough and when her father left her mother when your mother was 18, your mother had to go to work and support her mother and herself because her mother was devastated and had never worked anywhere ever. So after supporting her mother for 10 years she married your father and had you. Your mother's life has NEVER been her own. You had your own life. Your mother never had her own life separate from her family or your father or you. She needed this to move forward as a soul and to become me." I was speechless because I was trying to take all this in."

Moments later I saw someone walking toward us down the trail. At first I was a little scared because I thought it might be a ghost but then I realized that this was an actual human being as Elohar turned and reached her arm out to her. Elohar said, "Your Aunt Eloise reincarnated in my time and became my best friend who is now called Rachel(pronouced Ray chell). I said awkwardly. "Uh. Hi Rachel I mean Aunt Eloise." Rachel said, "Hi Jonathan. Why don't you just call me Eloise so you are more comfortable with all this." "Okay." I said.

I said, "Do you know Arcane and Ragna and King Interlaken?" Eloise Rachel said, "Oh yes! I'm a sister of Elohar's order and I assist her with her duties. I'm like her personal assistant, I believe it is called these days. more later.

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