Saturday, February 26, 2011

Uncle Tommy

Uncle Tommy or just "Tommy" was my father's younger brother who supposedly died in 1942 in the crash of his private plane. The story I was told was that a pilot with two passengers flew up under him in another plane which sheared off both their wings and one of his and he spun down into a power line but was still alive and screaming for help. But the little old lady went to get her hose instead of getting him out of the plane and he burned alive.

However, my cousin told me a few weeks ago that wasn't what really happened. He said that Tommy was actually a military test pilot and had a certificate above from the government certifying this as true. I had heard the story from my Dad, Tommy's older brother that Tommy was a natural with anything mechanical and always had been all his life. And Dad told me how Tommy got in a plane and made a perfect 3 point landing with no flying lessons the first time he ever got into a plane. I was always a little like this as well just not to that degree where I would attempt flying never having done it before. But I did get on a horse and ride it without lessons and the same with a bicycle. My parents thought I was the reincarnation of Tommy and almost named me Tommy. My mother said she was in love with Tommy before he died and married Dad to be closer to Tommy after Tommy died. Both Mom and Dad were terribly traumatized by his death as well as the rest of Dad's family.

So, it isn't surprising really that Tommy has a military paper saying he died a military test pilot. What is strange is that my cousin never told me about this before. His mother might have been forbidden to talk about it by the U.S. Government while she was alive. This is my thought.

As an intuitive this is what I wrote about Uncle Tommy:

dragonofcompassion - Uncle Tommy Travels Time

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