Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How King3 displaced Lake Tahoe's Waters:Technical worksheet

Since the World Government of the 7000 Ad range has time travel that originated on earth during the 1930s from offworlders helping keep governments more stable during and after World War II and eliminating the possibility of really serious nuclear accidents(really serious meaning no human life or not much human life remaining as in a relatively within 100 year return to the stone age) they have developed by the 7000 AD range military sophistication regarding time travel. One such sophistication is learning what to do with the displaced water from a  Time Ship as big as the Queen Mary under Lake Tahoe.

This is how it is done without alarming any present earth government. First, time is displaced and in that (no time) a volume equal to the displacement of the Queen Mary(old ship now located in Long Beach Harbor) is temporarily removed from ordinary time. So that displaced water including any fish or life is removed from this time and put into a stasis time or no time. Then while time is stationary here on earth Time3 which has a displacement almost equal to the Queen Mary fills the now empty no time spot in the shape of Time3 located under the surface of Lake Tahoe. The result is that when time is turned back on there is not one ripple on any shore or any notice through radar or any other technical readout of any change in Lake Tahoe whatsoever. So that even though it is easier to do all this under cover of clouds, snow, mist or rain, it is not necessary to do it that way and all calculations are executed by sentient computer. All the human in command has to do is express his or her wish that it be done.

note: the above is in regard to:
Jonathan Flow in South Lake Tahoe

Please click"Jonathan Flow in South" above if you want to here more above the ongoing adventures of Jonathan Flow.

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