Friday, June 3, 2011

Galactic Technology

Note: This is my own opinion as a lifelong Intuitive and based upon all my experiences and everything I have Studied and read the last 63 years of my life both during college and ever since. However, if you want this to be fictional because that helps you cope with it better then do that. So, you can take this seriously or you can just be entertained by it or both:

It is my experience that many of the basic forms of technology that we presently have on Earth are forms of "Galactic Trickle Down". In other words it is common knowledge among people who have read credible books like "Above Top Secret" by Timothy Good and "The Day After Roswell" by then retired and now deceased U.S. Army Intelligence Colonel Corso that something like this has taken place. So, likely everything from the invention of the transistor which took place the same year as the Roswell Crash 1947, to something like  Kevlar which the Roswell ship that  Crashed was covered with, to fiber optics (which was what the Roswell Craft used to transfer information within the ship), to the control helmet (which injured or killed so many U.S. military researchers when they tried it) which was used to navigate the ship 3 dimensionally directly from the mind of the alien humanoid. (There has been a lot of research into this area over the years trying to develop this (humanoid mind as a part of both the control of the ship but also working as an integrated part of the ships computer). So it appeared that the mind of the pilot of the UFO WAS the key to operating the ship and that no one other than this particular mind which worked somewhat like an ignition key does to a car could operate the Ufo without dying or getting ill from trying to run the ship.

Also, the microchips that took us more binary and digital  and away from analog computing eventually led to what you and I are using right now to communicate with each other right here.

Now, I know that general information from the government to the average person tends to steer people away from this kind of information but for those of you who have the technical savvy to understand how all this works, you get the general idea of what likely actually happened back then. And also, rather than having religious people all over the world panicking and going ape with the realization that there are other worlds inhabited and many likely much in advance of us as well as ourselves markedly more advanced both in the future as well as the deep past here on earth, this gives an entirely different twist to life here on earth. Then if you add to this the likely fact that we here on earth are related to the survivors of the planet that was blown up by a thermonuclear war that is now the asteroid belt and also from Mars which had most of its atmosphere blown off when the asteroid belt planet that some call Maldek blew up in a thermonuclear explosion, you also know now that it happened when the dinosaurs died out from a piece of of Maldek hitting into what is now the Gulf of Mexico which actually created the gulf of Mexico. So, all big dinosaurs on earth died out in the next few years during the "nuclear winter" type of event that ensued. So, then our relatives then came to earth and interbred with likely Gorrillas or apes of some kind so we are the result from this genetic engineering feat who can actually survive here.

So, we then are a result of a nuclear war on Maldek and a genetic engineering experiment with local dna which not only worked but survived and prospered. It is possible that it was Neanderthals who were interbred with the Maldek and Mars humanoids to create us because the Neanderthals were strong and hearty but not very intelligent. This is another possibility.

So then, our existence as humans here on earth likely was a part of a rescue mission regarding Maldek (the asteroid belt) and Mars and bringing the survivors here to earth. It is likely that generation likely died out (or went to somewhere more habitable for them) and their genetically engineered progeny (US) survived and prospered here on earth ever since then.

Also, many people wonder why we don't get attacked by other humanoid based civilizations in our sector of the galaxy. The most likely reason is the same reason that the U.S., the European Union, Russia, China, India, Japan and other developed nations don't indiscriminately attack third world undeveloped nations without good reason.  From the perspective of civilizations that might have existed for 100s of thousands of years or more, so that battles of any import might have been 90,000 years or more ago, civilization likely has taken root and we here on earth would be considered much like the Hawaiian Islands were thought of by Captain Cook when he first visited it in his sailing ship on January 18th 1778. At that time they were called the Sandwich Islands. And at that time much like the world since Roswell, the shamans (priests) (Kahunas) of Hawaii were the only ones allowed to (SEE) the "White Ghosts" which was what people called them. The common people thought they were dead because they had never seen white people before and that they were being haunted from the other side. So it wasn't until the Kahunas gave permission for the people to "See" the ghosts that any interaction with the common people was allowed at all. You can see in some ways the similarity to Roswell in how these kinds of UFO contacts with Earth have generally been handled much like Captain Cook was handled by the ancient priests of Hawaii. The same has happened with UFO events from churches (of all kinds worldwide) and their influence on world governments worldview. This is not to say that there isn't a separation of church and state in most nations now. It is to say that even with a separation of church and state all religions still exert powerful cultural influences and create powerful taboos in the case of ANY UFO contact beyond a movie something like "E.T." which is not necessarily (depending upon the person) taken that seriously. So, in order to have reality agree with whatever a church is teaching actual scientific factual information tends to be "deep sixed" or to disappear or even if it comes into the light of day, discredited and ridiculed. This is a way churches and governments dealt with people like Galileo and even Columbus  spent time in a Spanish Prison even after finding the New world of North and South America, even though he died a fairly wealthy man. So, to clearly view in a more scientific way the whole UFO and other civilizations beyond earth the best way that I can say it is the reality is more like "Men in Black I and II" and less like more smarmy ufo fictional movies. However, it would be fun to find someone who was a cross between E.T. and Yoda. That would be great!

However, if this upsets your religion's view of the universe then if you want you can pretend this is just science fiction if that is helpful to you.

But if you are brave and strong and have a strong heart and constitution then researching down these directions not only for your own benefit but for the benefit of future mankind both here on earth and beyond might be something that you should consider and something useful to do.

When I was a young man I took a course in Cultural Anthropology around 1972 in College. The definition then of a shaman paraphrased was: "Someone who has died but their body lives on. As a result they are able to live on in both worlds simaltaneously. They can speak with the dead as well as the living."

When I read this I was about 24 years old and thought, "Well. That's what I am then because I have died and yet I still live and so I can speak with the dead as well as the living. So I guess this makes me a "Natural Priest or minister" like in ancient tribal times worldwide. So, if that is true then if I am a natural shaman then I can give you permission to see the "White Ghosts" like the Kahunas did the average man and woman in Hawaii in the 1700s. Only this time the "White Ghosts" are UFOS (both their craft and them) because they are here and always have been. So, you might as well see them no matter what form they choose to take. It is my experience that beings from other planets can appear to be anything from a human to a rock to a tree to a deer. They only way to tell is that you can feel the difference if you are intuitive like me. Otherwise there is no way to know. Like I said unless you are strong and brave you may not want to pursue this path because basically, UFOs both ships and beings who occupy the ships are technological shape shifters in reality.

However, I prefer to know when they are there. Others might not want to know. So you have a choice.

IF you are interested in my writing about this you might also like what you might find at:

dragonofcompassion - Home

You will also find on 7 web pages and in 11 parts "Memories" which are past life memories of the future, present and past here on earth and on other planets of myself, relatives and friends.

dragonofcompassion - memories part 1

When I was young I thought one reincarnated (those that do) only sequentially forward in time. It wasn't until I thought I was dying in 1999 from a heart virus that I discovered otherwise. It turns out those who reincarnate do so literally in "ANY Time or Space" anytime they choose to. In fact, very developed souls can blip out of existence for an eternity into the formless realms and then blip back into existence at any point any time, on any planet or dimension. When I understood this I was really amazed. But like many say, "Experience is the best teacher."

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