Friday, June 10, 2011

Meeting God

Generating a Positive Field

This present blog article was inspired during the writing of the above article called "Generating a Positive Field. However, I have told this story before this blog so if you have already read it then it is up to you what you want to do.

When I was 21 I went through some very difficult experiences in my life and so I decided to kill myself then. Obviously, I lived through this or I wouldn't be here now. However, there is some lesson here that you might find useful. Being very despondent at the time I said to God, "If you don't show yourself to me I'm going to kill myself within a few days. The next night after I screamed this to God, God Showed up. Or more precisely I found myself in my soul out by the Orion Nebula with God. The being was neither male nor female but pure rainbow energy field of stupendous power. My experience was something between terror and awe. I felt like a moth drawn to a flame. I was being incinerated as I stayed next to God. I welcomed this death by being next to God. Many would have tried to run or to fly away. I preferred death by being in the presence of God. And so in speaking to God I died (at least I was becoming someone other than who I was before. But I now equate it to what some people call being (Born Again). You have to die to be born again. Your body doesn't die but you do. And after this experience you will never ever be the same again.

As I stood in space next to God in the region of the Orion Nebula I started to ask God many questions. I said first, "Are you the being who created my soul?" The answer I got back was "Yes". Then I said, "Why did you create me?" God said, "The purpose of Life is to Love and to Bless Life. You are a work of God's Art". As I felt these words through my whole being I found it brought me deep peace because God's words were not just words like people speak, time and space and my very soul were altered as they were uttered by God. God looked deep into me and said, "You're too serious! There are only two sins in the universe. One is taking life to seriously and the other is not taking life seriously enough!"
I felt shamed by this statement and knew that I would never ever commit suicide because it was a form of either taking life too seriously or not taking it seriously enough. I realized God was teaching me balance. Sometimes when I think about the Buddha learning the middle path of Lam Rim I think of God telling me to be balanced in all things. Or when I think of "As ye sow so shall ye reap" or "Karma" I think of God chastising me to always be balanced in my life. And so I tried always since then have tried to seek out "Balance in all things" and "Moderation in all things". Then God said, "If you kill another being you are cutting off one of the fingers of God!" With this he? looked into me and I was burned by this statement. And this eventually led over ten years later to me taking Ahimsa Vows and vowing not to kill anything needlessly. So, even today I put out spiders and flies outside my home without taking their lives whenever it is possible and practical because I also believe in self defense of myself and others. And once again I asked God "What is the purpose of life?" God said, "The purpose of Life is to Love and to bless all life." This last statement I have contemplated my whole life since then and have always tried to think of ways of blessing all life in the universe in all times and spaces and dimensions. Since my father's family came from a Swiss heritage from around Zurich before they came to the U.S. in about 1725 or so, they still carry that desire for efficiency in all things. So I have always tried to apply efficiency to "The purpose of life is to Love and to Bless Life." If I am successful in Life it is because of this. Even what I am doing now is a part of this efficiency of "Loving and Blessing Life". Because I know my writings are not just for now they are for the future, the present as well as the past, as well as for other civilizations throughout our galaxy and other Galaxies. If I am efficient it is only because God made me this way.

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