Monday, June 6, 2011

The Usefulness of Heaven and Earth Combined

Heaven Interfaced with Earth

To learn more about what I'm talking about please click on the internet word button "Heaven Interfaced with Earth" Above.

So now, the real advantage of Heaven and Earth as one dimension that we all now live in (if we wish to) is that before this year one might say in prayer, "Please God, if it be your will please do such and such for me or this or that person." The difference now is that now you might just experience yourself with God or angels and think about something you want or need and what you want or need might just be there for you. So, once again if you allow yourself to experience God and you and angels all together in the same body at once and surrounded by more angels, as you experience this and sense what God would agree to that you might want, and then see what you want that God might agree to, it is either possible or likely (depending upon the usefulness of what you want and what God's Will actually is) manifest instantly or in moments, days, weeks or even within a year or more.

What I have noticed personally about all this is that changes in general are much more explosive in nature. For example, the other day I was trying to get to a movie with my 15 year old daughter and her friend. I walked up to buy tickets and the ticket seller said, "Oh. There are only tickets for the front row." My daughter's 15 year old friend said, "I can't sit in the front row." So, since I was polite I stepped out of line. My 15 year old daughter being 15 then said, "We're going over to buy some sushi in the mall." I said, "You can't go. Your mother is on her way to see another movie with me.  Until I contact her you are staying here." My daughter gave me some flack and was not getting the problem and was blaming me for everything even though it was the fact that they took too long to get ready because they wanted to look pretty and I had told them we had had to leave about 1/2 hour before we did to get tickets and seats. So finally in exasperation I said, "You are ruining your mother's and my day because now we can't go to a movie." So my daughter gets all upset. But about this same time I realized that God was moving us to protect us from something around the theater and started to be relieved that everything had gone this way for a reason. So, after realizing it was God moving us I calmed down and was better able to deal with both my daughter, her friend, and my wife and the whole situation. When I was in my 20s or younger I would have just gotten extremely angry with everyone but during my 20s I started to notice when something seemingly bad or completely unpredictable or unexpected happened I began to watch how God was moving everything and changing everything to something new and more amazing. So, at this point I stopped getting so mad when things didn't seem to be working out exactly as I wanted and realized God is always working to create a better outcome for all of us if we are patient.

There is a saying, "All good things come to he who waits." So, if you are patient often what you want or need will come to you. It might not come in the way you want or expect but oftentimes what you need will come. The new combining of heaven and earth is like this. It is not at all what most people expect because those expectations are not realistic. It is sort of like people in other countries think the streets of America are paved with Gold. It's not true but many believe it is. You would really be surprised that this is actually how many feel and think this way around the globe. I knew a 25 year old from Darjeeling India, a Tibetan, who was very disappointed when he came to the U.S. because you couldn't bribe people to get whatever you wanted here like you could in the 1980s in India. I just found this attitude kind of funny. But in some ways Heaven and Earth combining is sort of like this. It is not at all what you might expect. It's better! Heaven is a technology invented by God. That's the best way that I can put it. But also, there is fantasy and there is technological reality. If you want God in your life you have to learn about his technology. It isn't just a fairy tale after all. If you want your computer to work you have to learn about it, for example. So, if you learn about God's technology that he (she) (it) created for you then ANYTHING good is possible in your life, your families life, and in the life of anyone you ever think abouts life.

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