Friday, November 25, 2011

Rich often homeless during their rise to success

There is the story of "Jewel" the Country singer from Alaska who was living in her car before she was "discovered" in Southern California. Now, you may not consider her rich but you must consider her successful. This is only one of the many many stories of successful people that you should read about. Understanding what it takes to become successful is mostly about perseverance and hard work more than anything else. And homelessness is just a stage in all of this which becomes a stepping stone to success in itself. Though Jewel isn't mentioned in the following quote, hers is one of the memorable ones I remembered.

6 rags-to-riches millionaires

The rise to the top can be bumpy. In fact, some of the entrepreneurs we talked to were homeless during the early years of their companies. That's why they all agree that it's important to help others in need. All, including Radio One's Catherine L. Hughes and Life is good co-founder Bert Jacobs, give back to the community by volunteering time, donating to charitable organizations or running their own charities. end quote.

For me, the single most important thing in becoming successful is "Why?" you are doing it? If you are only doing it for yourself, often becoming successful becomes meaningless over time. However, many people I have spoken with have said to me something like, "It really wouldn't be worth it hanging on to wealth at all unless I could help family and friends with it. Making money is relatively easy for many folks. Holding on to it and making it grow is what is really hard. It takes a lot of time researching and making sure all your people working with you you can trust. Just making it and spending it is easy, but making it really grow and be helpful to all you know is a full time job!"

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