Experiencing 4 days of no water no food
The above article I wrote to describe how empowering being without food in the wilderness for 4 days and nights can be if you are physically, mentally, and spiritually prepared for it. However, as I was reading both this article and the article within it which was about my doing this as a vision quest under the supervision of a Native American Medicine Man that I was studying with at the time I came upon something else I wanted to share about all this.
You know how when you go to sleep night there is a saying, "Well, I think I'll sleep on it." Which basically means I will get more information and feelings regarding this matter by morning. Well, there is a lot of truth to that.
So, what happens if you are properly prepared psychologically and with intent is that this "Well. I think I'll Sleep on it" is magnified thousands of times during a properly prepared vision quest for four days of no water or food in the wilderness at a place of your choice.
So, for example, I can tell you that visions that I had during this vision quest in 1983 led me to further experiences with Tibetan Lamas in the U.S. and India and Nepal because when I became a 50 to100 foot tall golden dragon of compassion that breathes out sacred fire to thousands of people then in 1983 it led me all the way to right here right now. Because I can see that much of my writing is this literal Dragon of Compassion that somehow I am simultaneously to being a human being breathing out sacred fire through much of my writings to help enlighten people and to help make their lives better and in some cases to actually save their lives ongoing by God's Grace. By taking the time and intent and motivation to actually do this sincerely, thousands of people's lives since 1983 have been changed just like mine has been. You never know what little or big thing that you do changes everything for one person or the whole world. You just never know. That is the beauty of the whole thing!
To the best of my ability I write about my experience of the Universe Past, Present and Future
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