Monday, September 22, 2014

Angel Wings in the sky

I had had my truck serviced and my wife decided to go visit a friend in her car after we picked my truck up. I drove home to feed the dogs. I put out the trash for the collectors tomorrow. I looked up into the sky and saw cirrus ice crystal clouds forming angel wings in the sky. I decided to get into the hot tub to watch them turn gold in the sunset. Beautiful!

I had been waiting for something exactly like this to free my spirit. "In my soul I am Free!"

Angel Wings in the sky
Nothing to bother me
telling me of a better future coming

Peace here on earth
Peace in the Sky
All the Angels

Are coming!

My daughter and her friends are all in colleges now around the U.S. Two or three of their Moms are really good friends with my wife. They are all comforting each other because their daughters are all far away now. It's sort of sad to miss them all. All their youth is gone to college for now. So, we are sort of feeling proud of our daughters and sad for ourselves that our youngest has gone away to college with all her friends.

Some people fade away and are gone after their kids go away to college. I'm sort of fighting that by traveling more since I'm retired now. But, my wife is all focused on physical therapy for her knee replacement which is taking her in a completely different direction. But, we are grownups and will weather this storm too with Angels' help.

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