Monday, November 3, 2014


IN South Korea and in Mt. Shasta there was no TV really to watch and so any free time I was blogging if I wasn't hiking or having some sort of adventure climbing a mountain or taking friends out to a restaurant or something or 4 wheel driving. OR, in South Korea it was shopping and going to restaurants, visiting where my friend worked and playing with the baby and getting to know his wife better. Or in Jeju Island it was getting used to there being a Hawaii type of place just south of South Korea out into the ocean. So, both in South Korea and Mt. Shasta I sort of burnt myself out blogging and dealing with jet lag both places meant I often was up from Midnight to 5 to 7 AM before I could go to sleep. Or in South Korea I was going to sleep S. Korea time around 8pm or 9pm and waking up about 4 am that time. And here in the U.S. that would be like sleeping from 6 am until 2pm in the afternoon or something pacific time. So, this was difficult too. So, now I'm trying to overcome being sort of burnt out from blogging in any free time I had. However, the good news is I'm able to sleep between midnight and 1 am and sleep around 8 hours in the pacific time zone again which is wonderful.

I love to blog but it is sort of like eating too much ice cream until you are sick from it or anything else. It will take me a little time to enjoy it as much again probably like a few days to a week or something. I'll have to get my mojo back to get really good at it again in the next week or two.

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