Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Different pursuits

I realize that many of you might not be on a path of Soul Traveling. However, from time to time I write about my experiences either directly or indirectly in a variety of ways because often though people might not be interested in being soul travelers themselves, they might be curious about those people who do or can.

Everyone of us soul travels, it is only whether you have control at all of this faculty. Are you like someone riding in a bus where you have no control but the bus driver does. Let's hope your bus driver is a Saint or God or Jesus or something or else you are in trouble.

But, either way we all soul travel all the time. Every thought you think is soul traveling if you really understand it like I do.

Once you really get this you understand more and more fully that anywhere you think about you are there to some degree by doing that. Even in your dreams at night you go where you see you are. Where that actually is physically it sometimes is hard to say. But, you are somewhere in consciousness either inside your own mind or off in some other place or time or space on this planet, another planet or even inside a star or our physical sun or even in the center of the galaxy.

The hard thing to define is what is real, or what is more real. For example, your subconscious mind might put you somewhere to better understand something in your life. Or you might go to another place or time in your soul or mind body. So, learning which is which is important in regard to soul travel just like knowing when you are awake and knowing when you are asleep is important too .If you know when you are awake and maybe even more important you know when you are asleep you can be more a part of the deciding factor of what actually is going to happen in your life. So, you don't just die accidentally some day or night in your dreams or while you are awake. By being more in control of your realities you can live longer and healthier wherever you are, and you can stop being terrified of anything really because you know what is real and what is not and that is very important to both the survival of your physical body and the happiness of your soul whether it is in a physical body or not at the time.

So by God's Grace may we all know or learn what we need to to live happy healthy fulfilling lives both here on earth and in the hereafter.

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