Friday, November 21, 2014

Expect nothing to get done by government for the people for 2 years

First, the Republicans hired a lawyer to sue Obamacare to try to tear it apart or tear it down. Then Obama decides to do executive Action to keep up to 5 million illegal immigrants legal status to stay in the country either temporarily or permanently.

Now, as the American people we can now expect nothing but infighting and what happened during Whitewater which gave Republicans a bad name then with Clinton. In other words, "Everything the common people of America need to financially survive their lives 'will not get done' and only infighting and everything the American people don't need their hard earned money spent on will now happen for the next 2 years.

And don't expect this to change the next time because a Republican cannot now demographically ever be elected as president ever again. And the demographics just get worse as you move forward in time.

So, just expect billions of money wasted on infighting and defunding programs and suits against Obamacare and against the president rather than getting anything important being done.

By the way, during this time if Putin does a first strike on the U.S. and cities on the east coast and or west coast are no longer there from electron particle beams from space or from Planes don't be surprised about that either.


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