Sunday, November 9, 2014

Real Life happens from what you believe is true

We have seen examples of this in Liberia during the last 6 months or so sadly, where people with no formal education don't believe in modern day medicine and think those people are trying to kill them so they strike out and have killed at least 14 red cross workers in Liberia and elsewhere in Africa.

What people believe is real people will live out even if that means killing people. Look at ISIL for example, people (to a greater or lesser degree) often believe what Baghdadi is telling them. Even if they become disillusioned it is often too late for them. So, even if they die they are often dying believing in what they believe whatever it is.

Then there is the story I like to tell about the Native South American Tribe who believed in a totem pole in the center of their village. This was a tribe one or more Anthropologists were studying to catalog their languages and customs at the time for posterity. During this time termites ate this totem pole that medicine men and tribal leaders had told the group had to stand for all the tribe to prosper and go to heaven. So, when it fell down it was literally the end of their world, they all sat down and wouldn't eat and drink until they all died within a few weeks to a month. This was observed by Anthropologists as they all died one by one.

So, be very careful what you believe in because it may cause your early death if you are wrong.

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