Tuesday, November 4, 2014

"Rock People! They Build Houses!"

My daughter was walking through a park and a homeless man said this to her out of the blue. She sent me a phone text that went something like this:"I was walking through a  park and this homeless man said suddenly to me: LOL. This man said to me 'Rock People! They Build houses!' Dad. You and this guy should be friends."

Now, her laugh I would see as a crazy wisdom manifestation of the universe (God, Buddha, the universal subconscious) trying to get her to be more understanding of what the universe is all about.

However, for now, she just associated this with me talking about Rock People who I eventually found out about over the years from Charlie Thom, A Karuk Medicine man from Northern California who passed away last year that I have known since the early 1980s.

She remembered me telling her about this while she was growing up. But, since my daughter right now is an avowed atheist she doesn't see just how powerful this statement was right out of the blue.

Instead, to her it is laughable. I see it as the universe trying to share something very real with her. She sees it as just more evidence that crazy people believe what I do.

Who is right?

I don't see that as the relevant question here. The relevant question is: 'What is the universe trying to share with her?" From my point of view it is trying to share something very fundamental about life with her that "Everything in the universe is alive!" Her point of view (for now) is: "Dad's goofy ideas came out of this crazy homeless man's mouth and I laughed."

I sent her back a text that said, "You and I both mean well and will help ourselves and others the best we can." And left it at that for now.

After all, she is only 18 and will be many different people before she is 25 just like I was then. So, maybe when she is 25 she will better understand the universe and synchronicity than she does now.

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