Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Black Lexus

Truth or Fiction?

I felt sort of like I was in a movie or something. Parked in a parking lot in my daughter's Hyundai Sonata, eating the rest of my salad from Subway and finishing my Acai smoothie from Jamba juice after downing a 1 ounce wheatgrass shot with an orange slice chaser while parked in a Target Parking lot.

Suddenly I sensed something strange next to me. I looked and sort of couldn't believe my eyes at the perfectly coifed guy in a picture perfect new Black Lexus SUV. It was sort of a "Men in Black" or "Someone who worked for the Government" or  "TV station" moment. The man, handsome and cocky by the cynical smile on his face. He only pulled up and parked next to my vehicle for a moment sort of like a poser or something like actors often are or people living in one kind of fantasy or another often are.

When you see something this "picture perfect" you often know something is wrong with this picture and I smelled a rat of some kind.

Have you ever been someplace that something so "soap opera" perfect stands out in it's ridiculousness? This is one of those times.

And I sort of wondered what all this was about?

After all, a perfectly new and clean Lexus SUV that is all black. Then the man is wearing a suit and tie (all black except for his white dress shirt). What wrong with this picture?

Then instead of getting out and going into Target he smiles cynically as he talks on the phone and suddenly backs out and drives away.

Truth sometimes is way stranger than fiction.

That's how you know it's really true.

This was so weird I could likely write a great book about it if I was in the mood to.

It has all the elements of a great James Bond or "Men in Black" movie or other kind of "who dun it" movie or show.

And here it was right in real life. How crazy is that?

And I can't get the woman  out of my mind that I saw on CNN being stabbed in the back by a man in Israel today and the woman behind her after the women drops who was stabbed like a rock totally freaks out.

I wish they wouldn't show stuff like this on TV. But I guess TV has to compete now with Youtube showing beheadings all the time.

Why would I ever want to watch that. I had to watch our boys my age blown to bits every night on the news during the 1960s and early 1970s in Viet Nam. I don't want to see anymore blown off arms or legs or blinded soldiers with their guts hanging out. thank you very much.

Just Surviving to age 66 was enough PTSD for me. I don't need to see anyone else dying or being tortured or being harmed. I've seen enough of that in real life or on TV. Thank you very much.

If you survive to 21 anywhere on earth you deserve a medal. If you survive to 30 you should be Sainted just for surviving.

If you survive to 66 or beyond your life is a complete miracle. Be Very Grateful for the Grace you have been given every day of your life!

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