Wednesday, January 21, 2015

What I presently believe (and this is subject to change when I learn more every single day)

When I grew up I was taught that Jesus became like he was by evolving through multiple incarnations through reincarnation. In other words I was taught that we all eventually become like Jesus over time by reincarnation. So, this was a pretty neat idea.

Later I learned about Saint Germain who was the illegitimate son of Queen Elizabeth I of England and how he wrote the Shakespearean plays under the pseudonym of the actor William Shakespeare who had never learned to read or write.

But, as the son of Queen Elizabeth Francis Bacon (Saint Germain) had become through education and natural ability (the father of the scientific Theory and the Scientific Method) which we still use today to ferret out information regarding science and all things in our lives if we are wise enough or fortunate enough to be taught this way of thinking.

I was taught that Saint Germain ascended like Jesus in 1684 in either England or France. Then he was called the Comte de Saint Germain or Prince Ragoczy or many other names as a alias across Europe and England. He was hired as a spy by Kings Louis XIV, XV, and XVI and knew them all well and tried to prevent the French revolution but was not listened to regarding that. However, he was at the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the cause of the large signature of John Hancock by a speech he made before the signing there.

He also tried to create a "United States of Europe" through Napoleon but failed. But likely succeeded now through the present European Union. Hopefully, it will stand the test of time now.

However, there were things I couldn't really believe in that I was taught like "animals are created by the Sinister Force". This just wasn't going to fly with me.

Or "Only the 10,000 people worldwide in my church are going to heaven".

So, I had to OVERCOME things that were not logical at all.

I had a funny conversation with a friend recently it went something like this while I was in Hawaii.

He was raised from age 9 in the same religion I was.

I said, "My parents decided I must not believe in Santa Claus so they told me Santa Claus wasn't real by age 5. I was disappointed by this. The felt I deserved the truth.

But then they said that Saint Germain was Francis Bacon and was the spiritual brother of Jesus and never died and is walking the earth still.

As a little child what was I supposed to do with a Santa Claus that wasn't real and a Saint Germain and Jesus walking the earth in their perfected bodies?

However, what I learned is that people believe what they need to believe or they don't stay alive.

By age 10 I was ready to give up on religions completely. However, then I fell and hit my head and because of it (I realize now) I got blunt trauma childhood epilepsy. Then in order to not die before my time I found religion useful to my survival through childhood and teenage years into adulthood.

So, my point of view is that people believe what they need to believe to survive. Because if they don't they often don't survive.

If you don't have a purpose it is pretty easy to just drink or drug yourself to death or drive too fast in your car or on you motorcycle one night and you will be gone forever out of this body.

So, without a purpose most people die by 25. This is my observation in life.

Most people I knew growing up who are older than me are dead already including my parents and friends and relatives.

Unless you have a real purpose to stay alive you don't. Period.

So, what do I believe? If you don't believe what you need to believe to stay alive, you won't.

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