Friday, January 9, 2015

Why are White people the way they are?

This isn't a research paper or anything like that. This is just off the top of my head after everything I have studied all my life and being a white person all my life.

Qualities you might expect:
a little neurotic from history of ancestors living in snow and only those who can survive in snow did
restless: White people tend to want to see what is over the next mountain or over the next hill.
experimental: They tend to be very adaptive to any situation and often very cunning like a fox about this.
Because all those that weren't this way already were killed by other white people or other races or animals around the world. So, their genetics were not passed down generally speaking.

So, white people tend to be ruthless and adaptive and innovative in general.
However, mostly they are not very clannish except in certain areas.

So, they are much more individualistic in nature than most other races.

This often scares people in other races because of this individualism and constantly adaptive and innovative and experimental behavior.

However, most of this behavior was just what people needed to be like who lived in the snow 3 to 6 months a year.

Because being white has a lot to do with adaptation to cloudy weather where it rains and snows a lot.

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