Friday, February 20, 2015

Diet, fun exercising, and a meditative and contemplative state of mind

Good relationships are always helpful. But, sometimes these relationships end or people get sick or pass on. So, in order to keep on going (if you want to) or if people need you to stay alive then Diet, fun exercising and a meditative and/or contemplative state of mind is often helpful.

Another thing useful can be living near wilderness or the ocean or deserts where your heart and mind can more easily soar free, or where you are away from big cities so you can see the stars at night when it isn't cloudy. Where I live there are no street lights so it is very dark at night and when it isn't foggy near the beach you can see the Milky Way Galaxy. So, often before my son moved out of state and got married and had my grandson he and his friend and I would go out into the hot tub and talk about philosophy and the world. But now, my son has his own son and wife and his friend is traveling the world making documentaries now most of the time so often this doesn't happen so much anymore.

Everything changes in life. We all must adapt to the changes or soon we fade out and die.

Sometimes I long for my 1968 Camaro that I bought new when I was 20 in 1968. But, I really can't go back there. It is better that I move forward into the future and do different things now. The past was what it was usually good, bad and indifferent. Do I miss being young?

Yes and No. Being young is incredibly painful and fun sometimes. But mostly it is painful. All the people you meet and date and all the changes in your life.  As fun as parts of it were I might just have to off myself if I actually had to live through it all again. That is realistic. However, whenever I see a 1968 Camaro or a 1965 or 1966 VW Bug I wish I could drive one of them again even for a day just to remember how it all felt.

But, I'm also wise enough to know that if I actually even want to live to 80 or 100 or more I have to look at life differently than that.

It's more like "And you can survive to 105 if you're young at heart".

It doesn't say, "pretend you are 20 again". It says young at heart."

Being young at heart is being spontaneous whenever you can in whatever way that works for you.

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