Monday, February 16, 2015

Egypt launches second wave of airstrikes on ISIS in Libya

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Egypt launches second wave of airstrikes on ISIS in Libya

CNN - ‎1 hour ago‎
(CNN) Egyptian warplanes staged a second wave of airstrikes against ISIS targets in Libya on Monday in retaliation for the slaughter of 21 Egyptian Christians by ISIS militants, Egypt's state-run Ahram Online reported, citing security officials.
Pope Francis condemns beheading of 21 Coptic Christians by ISIS
Grief wracks Egypt village after its sons beheaded in Libya
Beyond the strikes on IS militants in Libya
The Middle East is red with the blood of ChristiansTel

The problem more and more seems to be not that ISIS(ISIL) won't eventually be defeated (at least as an army) and likely then would become more like Al Qaeda is now as more of just a terrorist organization.

The problem more and more is other ISIS(ISIL) clone groups. Remember ISIS(ISIL) is a spinoff of Al Qaeda. Even if ISIS(ISIL) is defeated as an army eventually what are new groups going to do to emulate ISIS(ISIL)?

Also, just like Al Qaeda's goal has never been to militarily defeat the western world but to cause us to spend so much money fighting them that we go bankrupt like we almost did during the Great Recession.

So, we have to be smarter than they are for civilization itself to survive and for world democracies to survive.

Cultures like China and Russia understand how dangerous ISIS(ISIL) is even more than western Democracies do because their basic philosophy does not rest on human rights like Western World Democracies.

Cultures like China and Russia's point of view would to become successively more cruel than ISIS(ISIL) could be. So, if this was happening in their cultures if 25 innocent Christians were beheaded then 25 innocent Muslims would be beheaded in direct response. And so on.

Unfortunately, this might be where we see all this go worldwide especially where democracies with actual and real human rights don't exist.

Eventually you wind up with Vlad the Impaler which is what Bram Stoker's historical figure he based
the fictitious Count Dracula upon.

  1. Vlad the Impaler - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Vlad III, Prince of Wallachia (1431–1476/77), was a member of the House of Drăculești, a branch of the House of Basarab, also known, using his patronymic, as ...
  2. Vlad the Impaler — Man More Than Myth — Crime Library
    The real story of Vlad the Impaler, inspiration for Bram Stoker's Dracula

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