Monday, February 9, 2015

Preceding the 1861 & 2 California flooding there was a 10 to 20 year drought

This is something else I found while doing more research on this. So, I guess the main things I have learned is that Native Americans had figured ways of surviving this by going to higher ground every 100 to 200 years when they saw the signs of this coming.

2. Thousands of people and  1/4 all the cattle in California died and/or were washed out to sea or both by the water in the 1861&2 floods.

3. California went from being a cattle state to a farming state because of this flood.

4. The state of California went bankrupt as a state directly because of this flood.

5. The capital in Sacramento was moved to San Francisco because Sacramento was under 10 feet of muddy dirty water for over 6 months time and could ONLY be safely navigated by boat during this time.

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