Saturday, February 14, 2015

Public Health Warning regarding Hybrids

  1. Click on the next line to read this important article. They have actually done scientific research on this to come to this conclusion:

    Toyota EMF Pius Hybrid - BioInitiative   Cached
    ... Next-up Organisation advises against using the rear right passenger seat in the Toyota Prius Hybrid. Several vehicle ... shielding designed to reduce ... electric ...
    The author of this article mentions that especially the back right seat is really bad in EMF's but for me, it is one of the many reasons why I don't want to expose my family to the EMFs so even though I might like to be reducing the price of gasoline I also don't want to sterilize, or mutate human egg cells or sperm cells in anyone riding in a car like this that I owned.
    So, the choice I made for my daughter was a 36 mpg Hyundai Sonata so this too will lower gas prices as much as possible too. Since we pay a great deal of taxes on gasoline here in California 10% of new cars and vehicles here in California are hybrids or Electrics. So, health wise this is a really big deal in the short and long run for the state's citizens.
    So, maybe there is a way now to shield the driver and passengers now to prevent cancers and sterilization or mutation and babies with defects before or after birth without selling your hybrid or electric?

    Here is what one person trying to get over cancer did:
    Protecting oneself from Electrical Coronas in a Hy...

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