Sunday, July 24, 2016

A Lot of people are thinking Ailes is going to run my campaign: Trump

Definition of a Demagogue: A person who manipulates the public with fear to get them to do whatever he or she wants them to do.

Ailes probably could get Trump elected in the same way he developed and ran Fox News from the Beginning. However, do you want to be psychologically manipulated the way Fox News manipulates the vulnerable now?

It's taking Social psychology Phds to manipulate people at subconscious levels to create whatever outcome the Phd psychologists want.

I remember my psychology professor telling our class of several hundreds students at a major California university that he was going to make some of us succeed and some of us fail to demonstrate how social psychology is used on populations of people the way Trump and Ailes manipulate people subconsciously. Ailes has done this all along through Fox News by the way.
It's a way to make people believe things that are not true that are gullible. It's sort of like Obi-wan kenobee saying "These aren't the droids you want" until the gullible storm troopers repeat "These aren't the droids you want".

Anyway, my Social Psychology professor put me in a section that was designed to fail in the manipulation. There were 4 sections of about 100 students in each section. Unfortunately, this caused me to drop the class which upset the professor and he personally apologized to me. Of course there were other circumstances involved then like my running two businesses while at a University of California studying at the time too while having a new baby to raise on top of teenagers already. However, what might be important for you to understand is Social Psychology allows the PHDs in Psychology and psychiatrists to manipulate the more gullible of the human race who mostly never were taught "critical thinking skills". It is used on TV advertisements every single day.

It is also what Ailes uses to manipulate Fox News watchers and what he will use to manipulate minds through fear if he joins Trump's campaign as well.

If you understand the psychology of media attention "There is no bad publicity".

For example, my cousin in college had one of these guys come to USC while he was studying to be a lawyer around 1960 and the man walked in an spit on the lectern. The man said, "You will never forget that as long as you live!" This is how people advertise things!

They sell everything with fear of death or sex. So, Trump uses fear or sex to sell everything too. It's the best way to manipulate people subconsciously so they are defenseless against it.

This is why Michael Moore is saying Trump will be the next president. Because most people in the U.S. have not graduated college and are not critical thinkers and are vulnerable to the advertising antics of Subliminal seductions.

Both Trump and Ailes are both expert manipulative Demagogues.

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