Sunday, July 24, 2016

Trump Threatens To Pull The U.S. Out Of The World Trade Organization

Trump Threatens To Pull The U.S. Out Of The World Trade Organization
I actually agree with Trump about this. The World Trade organization is not elected. IT's just a lot of rich people making rules the rest of the world's democracies have no control over. However, destroying the world trade organization (which is what would happen if the U.S. pulled out) likely would cause serious bloody wars and Trade Wars and protectionism worldwide and turn almost all countries against each other economically. But, the one advantage is it would completely end Globalism which is destroying the U.S. and Europe at this time economically in regard to keeping people employed. However, everything would cost up to 5 times more because you could no longer buy things from other countries. Everything would have to be made in the U.S. BUT, that would mean everyone in the U.S. would have good jobs too even though the poorest in the U.S. without jobs would all starve and die because everything cost 5 times as much. As you can see it is a trade off. So, doing this would cause wars, cause many people to starve but also bring back the middle Class so our government worked once again here in the U.S. So, the effects of all this would be extremely chaotic and catastrophic for lower class people and very very good for middle class people in democracies around the world. It would mean democracies would begin to work once again while being catastrophic for poor people everywhere. Your choice! However, the other alternative is the end of democracy on earth and governments becoming fascist or communist (one or the other).

My wife has another point of view which because of her Master's degree in Business Administration might be important to listen to. She said that the U.S. economy would reduce by up to 80% and we could not longer afford our military expenditures if we withdrew from the World Trade Organization. Since hers is a corporate viewpoint this also might be correct regarding all this. We would be exclusively protectionist and would not longer have access to other nations therefore diminishing our own export business by (once again) up to 80%.
It's important to understand that Globalism and the World Trade Organization are the death of Democracy worldwide and the beginning of a One World Government. 

This last statement my wife does not agree with me on, however.

So, as you can see even among two people who live together and generally agree on things we have differences because all this is so confusing even to educated people that there is not ONE answer to any these questions acceptable to everyone. This is a real problem that is only going to get worse in complexity every single day.

So, imagine how afraid and confused most non-Critical thinking people are in the U.S. and around the world who don't have a college education.

So, once again Trump likely would turn the U.S. into a Fascist state because he would be too frustrated to do anything else because he couldn't accomplish anything otherwise.

Absolutely NOTHING he wants to accomplish could actually be done unless he disbanded the Supreme court and all of Congress and crowned himself Emperor of the U.S.

The average person who supports Trump doesn't have a clue about this!

What I'm saying here is that things are increasingly so complex that there are no solid answers that people can even talk about effectively even if they are educated at this point and understand to think critically. The world is a Gordian knot that is basically a blasphemy of reality that is strangling us all and we do not have a real say in any of it which is precisely the problem we are dealing with as a nation and a world.

So, my thought is: "Is Trump going to take a sword and bring the whole thing down around him and cause the deaths of some or all of mankind and all life upon it?"


And should we be terrified or grateful?

I'm not sure how to answer this at this point.

If you are not laughing yet you must be terrified out of your minds like most of the world is of Trump already.
begin quote from:
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said on Sunday that he would …


Trump Threatens To Pull The U.S. Out Of The World Trade Organization

Add it to the list.

07/24/2016 09:58 am 09:58:34 | Updated 39 minutes ago

Donald Trump doesn’t like international institutions.
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said on Sunday that he would consider pulling the United States out of the World Trade Organization should he end up winning the election.
The comments, made to NBC’s “Meet the Press,” are the latest in a series of Trump threats to pull the U.S. away from international institutions and compacts. Trump’s disgust for trade deals is well-known. And in the midst of his convention in Cleveland, he reiterated to The New York Times that he would not come to the aid of NATO allies if they hadn’t fully paid their dues to the organization.
Trump’s distaste for the WTO appears to be based on his view that it’s helped create a trade imbalance for the United States ― though he doesn’t explicitly say that; he merely calls the organization “a disaster.”
Trump said that he would like to levy a tax of somewhere between 15 and 35 percent on the products of U.S. companies that move their production jobs overseas. When “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd told him that some of those hikes “aren’t going to get through” the WTO, the Republican nominee responded in kind.
“Then we’re going to renegotiate or we’re going to pull out,” he said. “These trade deals are a disaster, Chuck. You know, the World Trade Organization is a disaster.”
Editor’s note: Donald Trump regularly incites political violence and is a serial liarrampant xenophoberacistmisogynist and birther who has repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims ― 1.6 billion members of an entire religion ― from entering the U.S.

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