Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Fascism in Turkey, Europe and the U.S.?

What we are witnessing right now in Turkey might also eventually be coming to Europe and possibly after that to the United States.

What is Fascism?
It is order with out law.
It is order with no human rights at all, without even the right to be alive.
It is order with no court system to protect your rights.
It is all these things and more.

Is Martial law fascism?

In Turkey what is happening is complete fascism or dictatorship.  There is no pretense to anything democratic anymore other than the fact that Erdogan was elected by the people to be president. However, other than that Democracy, the Court system, the Army leadership is all gone now, or if it still exists it is unrecognizable from a week or two ago. All democratic checks and balances in Turkey are now gone.

Could fascism move towards Europe now.

In some ways it has already done this through terrorist acts against France and Belgium in that Martial law has been there in France for a long time now and ever since Nice and the 85 dying so far from that terrorist act Martial Law will continue for another 3 months at least (or until another heinous terrorist act occurs again). However, Martial law in France and martial Law in Turkey are about as different as day and night with Turkey being more like a Horror movie that one compared to a Kafkaesque situation with thousands potentially dying or starving to death with out food or jobs in the near or far future.

In the U.S. we have Trump who might naturally assume that if he can't do as he wants as President that he would disband the supreme court or even the Senate or House and crown himself king.

I think this is one reason that Bush I and II and Romney (all Republican presidents and Republican nominees for president) have stayed away from the Republican Convention this time. Even the Governor of Ohio isn't going to the Republican convention partly because of this too.

One has to be very level headed as president even when you want to push the nuclear button. I think all of them know Trump is not the right temperament to actually BE the president without bringing out the nukes if he is pissed off enough by what some person or country does.

So, this is why they are not at the Republican Convention. This is their belief about Trump. I share this belief that Trump has the wrong disposition to ever be a President of the United States.

It's not that Hillary would be that great either. But, at least she won't get us all killed like Trump would.

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