Wednesday, July 20, 2016

The timing of the Turkish Coup is too perfect

The Republican convention has all Republicans at war with each other rather than with Erdogan. And Republicans in the U.S. tend to be the worst War Mongers of the two parties traditionally and more people in the military are Republicans than Democrats generally speaking. So, the timing of this coup in Turkey meant that Erdogan could get away with almost anything without too much fallout from the rest of the world.

This is a disaster for the whole middle East and likely will make everything 10 times worse there for everyone. Europe is vulnerable much more now with Turkey in Turmoil from Terrorists and ISIS. Turkey is 10 to 100 times more vulnerable to ISIS and Iran now than ever before in recent history too.

It is FUBAR beyond anything anyone in the western world even though possible a few weeks ago.

note: FUBAR is an acronym from World War II. It means (F---ed up beyond all recognition). It originally meant "what troops looked like after a bomb hit them or worse."

Like one Turkish author said, "It has set Turkey back 20 more or years in it's progress towards Democracy.

And the damage to Europe and the U.S. (incalculable) at present.

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