Sunday, July 24, 2016

Globalism and the World Trade Organization are the death of Democracies worldwide and the beginning of a One World Government

  Globalism and the World Trade Organization are the death of Democracies worldwide and the beginning of a One World Government. 

Here is my logic (however, my wife disagrees with me and she has a Master's degree in Business Administration).

However, having an hour or more to think more about this I still maintain my position that Globalism and the World Trade Organization erode and destroy all Democracies worldwide and can ONLY lead to wars and huge catastrophes worse than World War II for mankind.

Here is why:
1. They get rid naturally of all well paying middle Class jobs by shipping jobs to where products can be the most cheaply produced worldwide. 

Example: Over 60,000 factories closed in the U.S. between 2001 and the present. 


Because of globalism and the World Trade Organization allowing people in the U.S. to be so undercut by nations like China, Viet Nam and South Korea and others that they could not compete. So, their only choice was to close up shop or move to another country. Enough said.

So, as a result of this, this was one of the many causes of the Great Recession where the bogus loans met the bogus lose of jobs and sucked 50 to 75% of the wealth out of most Middle Class or below people in the U.S.

This created a de facto Oligarchy in the U.S. (because of the death of the Middle Class).

An oligarchy is "Of the rich, by the rich and for the rich" of which Trump is a part of this as a billionaire.

And example of this was stated on I think the Colbert show last night on late night. It believe it was said, "Donald Trump's Dad and Donald are Blue Collar Billionaires" and it was said, "There is no such animal!"

I agree with this assessment because once you get used to wealth you tend to protect that wealth from all comers or else that wealth just fades away over time. So, I see the truth of the statement "There are No Blue Collar Billionaires". That is a lie and doesn't really exist. 

However, you do have benevolent billionaires like Gates and Buffet That's real!

However, there are no blue collar billionaires that is just bullshit!

To move on with the original premise as you erode the middle Class worldwide through globalism and the World Trade Organization you make the developed nations who put up with this poorer.

(You will notice China tells the World Trade Organization to go to hell most of the time!) They are actually right about this. The U.S. will have to do this to to economically survive as the only
true superpower left on earth by the way.

Otherwise we are headed towards 3rd world status with a 3rd world military very very soon.

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