Sunday, July 24, 2016

The Absolute Hell of life in the U.S. between the Collapse of the Stock market in 1929 and the collapse of the Soviet Union 1990

I want to impress upon people just how hellish it was here in America and even worse in the rest of the world it was between 1929 and 1990. Young people of today (born since 1985 for example) have no real idea of just how bad it was from 1929 until 1990 when the Soviet Union collapsed. One reason is obvious about this. The reason is that we had about 8 years of relief from all this from Bill Clinton getting elected and George Bush being inaugurated  on January 20th 2001. So, a few months later we entered a 2nd Hell about 1/2 to 1/4 as bad as the Cold War was that killed 100 million people between 1945 and 1990.

However, this is the important point here: The hell we entered on 9-11 has only been about 1/4 or less as bad as what happened from 1945 until 1990 and the Cold war (on a daily basis) was only about 1/10th as bad as World war II and the Great Depression for the world.

So, realizing ONLY less than 1 million people have been killed by terrorists, Al Qaeda, ISIS and the response to them is illuminating to how much less bad (in actual carnage) it has been since 2001.

For example, if 100 million people died from 1945 to 1990 in the Cold war that is over 2 million people dying yearly every year from 1945 to 1990 compare that to the less than 1 million people who have died from 2001 to the present in ALL the terrorist wars on all sides.

It could be said very forcefully that "Everything is relative isn't it?"

Because the hell we presently live in is likely less than 1/100th the hell we lived in during World war II and likely 1 50th the hell we lived in from 1945 until 1990 with the Cold War.

So, people who say otherwise are mostly ridiculous (because they haven't studied history) and didn't live through the really bad hells their relatives did.

The real difference today is that terrorism is usually up close and personal in the U.S. and Europe and so it seems worse because American Civilians are dying like in Orlando or San Bernadino but in terms of real carnage there is really no comparison at all between 2001 to now and the Cold War or World War II.

So, I think it is important to realize this and not get silly about all this. Let's be realistic in the decisions we make and not just go off half cocked and make mistakes worse than the ones before where 50 to 100 million people might die in 5 years!

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