Sunday, July 24, 2016

IF Trump wins now does that mean Putin "Fixed" the Election so Trump could Win?

Yes.  This  Is the only logical answer at this point.

So, how can Republicans still rationalize putting Putin's patsy "Donald Trump" in as President?

IF there was gnashing of Teeth in Republican Circles before just realize this got about 100 times worse in thinking that Trump is "owned" by Putin. What I'm saying here is that Trump may be Putin's bitch in a money kind of way.

1950 through 1970s Conservative Republicans are rolling over in their graves right now while Putin just laughs. Because this wasn't done in secret it was done out in the open as if to say:

Putin: "Fuck You, all you Conservative Republicans that brought down the Soviet Union. I'm having the last laugh now as I put in my Patsy,  Trump!"

This isn't a secret this is right out in the open.

This is Putin's Macho which is 100 times greater than Trump's by the way.

Because what Putin is actually saying is: "I not only destroyed the Republican Party through Trump I completely took over the Republican Party through Trump and made it my own."

This is how a the KGB Colonel that Putin was in East Germany during the Cold War was trained to think. Exactly!

Can't you see the beauty of this from Putin's point of view? He doesn't have to attack America with his military. All he has to do is to hack the DNC to win the election.

And most people in the U.S. aren't smart enough to even see this coming. But I AM.

So,  as of today I think Trump is going to win for all the wrong reasons.

Goodbye 1776. Good bye Declaration of Independence. Good bye Bill of Rights. Good Bye Constitution.

This is what appears to be coming right now to America unless enough people WAKE UP!

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