Sunday, July 24, 2016

The Funniest Thing I heard all Day

You likely are not going to believe this but it is absolutely true none the less.

Donald Trump Paid Bill and Hillary Clinton to come to his wedding and they did.

This says more about all of them than I presently would have believed before.

So, when Trump says he was good friends with Bill and Hillary, he paid them to be his friends because he made more money appearing to be friends with them all these years. The only thing I don't know is how much he paid them or how much he made since then because he knows them?

But, like I said this says more about all of them than I ever would have believed before today.

Knowing Trump this was a very profitable investment. I wonder how many billions he is going to make just running for President whether he wins or not? It likely is one of the biggest returns on investments he has ever made in his life.

My friend who told me this true story made me laugh out loud for almost a whole minute when he told this story. I realized the truth of it immediately. He also said Trump and Hillary deserve each other because she is even more ruthless (although in a completely different way) than he is.

However, I think we might survive Hillary but I see no way presently for us to survive Trump as president.

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