Thursday, July 21, 2016

The Not Ready for Prime Time Republican Convention

As Republican Conventions go, this has been the laughing stock of them all. It is obvious to almost anyone that if this is how Trump would actually govern we would be at war with everyone all the time and not admitting real problems like they had at this convention would strain the trust of all nations on earth.

So, from an international perspective at least, Trump would be the first "Banana Republic" President if he were elected and the end of the World Order since the end of World War II.

Someone said that when we lost the Soviet Union as an enemy we lost ourselves as a country.

To some degree I have noticed this has been true. Americans are at their best when we have a valid enemy to fight against. And we sometimes are at our worst when we are Only fighting amongst ourselves.

This was never more obvious than at this Republican Convention when they were FOR nothing.

The only thing (THE ONLY THING) Republicans could agree on at this convention is that they didn't want Hillary Clinton to be their President. So, instead of being FOR something they only wanted to imprison or execute her.

This is completely dysfunctional as a party to be this way.

This means they have no answers at all of their own. This means they are like a Bitter old man who has nothing good to say about anyone or anything anymore. This means the American People can no longer take the Republican Party seriously because it has only become a very bitter senile old man with no good ideas of his own anymore.

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