Thursday, July 21, 2016

Trump says he will Abandon NATO nations who don't pay their fair share?

This is not realistic. This would be the end of the present World Order since 1945. If the the free democracies of Europe and the U.S. don't stand together, we all fall apart both economically and as nations. We are much stronger together than we would be apart.

I'm not sure why Trump made this statement. Doing this is sort of like shooting himself and his campaign in the foot. It's completely crazy. Maybe his wife Melania reamed him a new one after what she has been put through as a private person. I don't know. But, what I do know is this is crazy and if this is Trump under pressure than he cannot handle the pressure of the Presidency. Being a Billionaire with all it's pressures is one thing but he demonstrates every day that he just doesn't have the temperament to actually deal with the real frustrations of being a U.S. President.

This in itself is why No Republican President or Nominee attended this Republican Convention. This is why Ted Cruz didn't endorse him. This is why Kasich, the Governor of Ohio isn't at the convention at all.

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