Saturday, July 23, 2016

The Terrorist war is not as bad as the Cold War or World War II

I think this is an important thing to realize for people of today. Things were much worse than now during the Cold War and World War II and even during the Korean War and the Viet Nam war than now.

So, though it might be hard to gain this perspective if you didn't live in the 1950s and 1960s like I did still people should realize this and in some ways take heart from this.

Think about this for a moment 50 to 100 million people died in World war II

Just put this in perspective.

100 million or more people died from 1945 until 1990 during the Cold War worldwide.

What we are experiencing now (regarding how many are dying) (at least for now) likely hasn't taken deaths above 1 million people even if all the deaths since 2001 are all added up.

So, this is helpful in gaining a perspective on just how bad the Cold War and World War II were.

Imagine 50 to 100 million people dying in just 5 years time during World War II for example.

However, over the next 40 to 50 years it is quite possible that the Terrorist wars will kill 50 to 100 millions of people too. They just haven't killed that many people yet.

So, in this sense the Terrorist war might be compared (in it's own way) to the Cold War from 1945 until 1990.

Even in the Viet Nam war 50,000 Americans died and 250,000 were wounded not including all the thousands who came home with PTSD and are still walking the streets homeless even today.

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