Sunday, July 24, 2016

Why did Putin REALLY Raid the DNC computers?

At first glance I thought it was general revenge for the U.S. Role in the ending of the Soviet Union. But, as I thought more about it I realized, "No. This is very personal too." It was then that I realized it really was about the western Press allowing information (got from wikileaks?) about Putin's billions in off shore accounts. It was then when it all started to make more sense.

So, what is really going on here is Putin is retaliating against the whole western world in this manner and saying basically,"If you are going to allow western news outlets in outing my billions in offshore accounts then you are going to pay a terrible price for it."

So, he just caused Trump to win the presidential election in personal revenge against the western world.

Now, I think I have it correct.

It is tit for Tat.

For him, it is sweet revenge against the western world by watching the whole western world explode and slowly disintegrate as would happen during a Trump presidency automatically.

Because the effect of Trump becoming president would be similar to throwing a monkey wrench into a gearbox. Everything, especially globalization and the World Trade Organization will just stop.

So, for Putin it would be like watching a train wreck of the western world in slow motion.

Here is what is happening to Sanders supporters. A news Anchor on TV (major network) asked a Sanders supporter what he thought of Hillary now. The Sander's supporter just said, "Lock her up!"
(which was chanted by Trump Republicans throughout the Republican Convention.)

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