Thursday, November 16, 2017

If someone is putting you down is what they are saying True?

Usually not. it's a way to control people to put them down so they lose confidence in themselves. So, whether you are a child or an adult if someone is putting you down most of the time people are trying to control your behavior.

Is this s good thing or not?

It completely depends upon the motivation of the person messing with your head. Sometimes parents might do this to help their children grow up in different ways. But, even then you have to be careful as to what someone's actual motivation is. By the time someone is in their teens you begin to notice this usually that people don't always have good motivations in manipulating you.

So, the more you can ascertain people's motivations the better you can figure out whether to listen to them or not or whether to disregard all or most of what they are saying completely.

This is just called "Physical and Psychological Survival 101".

It's sort of like a College course that most of us are taking all our lives trying to figure out the people around us.

Good luck with this because your psychological, emotional and physical survival usually depends upon getting really good at this.

Just because someone tells you something doesn't naturally mean you should listen to them at all.

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