Sunday, January 20, 2019

Being quiet and alone in Nature

If you do this when you need it the most it can be the most empowering and energizing to your lives.

This is something I learned to do very young and was always very happy alone in the wilderness. However, I also have found I don't like being alone in the wilderness completely for more than 3 or 4 days at a time. If I'm going to be longer in the wilderness I prefer to have other people with me.

But, each of us is different. Also, if you are going to the wilderness either leave your cell phone at home or in your car or turn it off. You don't want to be distracted by the world. You want to observe the world around you without any interference if possible. Watch the birds and insects. Watch any larger wildlife around you. Observe the trees and any moss growing on the trees. Observe the streams you are walking near or through or over bridges over. Observe and "FEEL" the world around you. Reach out with all your senses to "FEEL" the world around you.

In life you learn to draw in your senses in the city but in the wilderness you expand your senses around you both for the amazingness of it but also for safety from animals, falling tree branches or falling rocks or just trying not to sprain your ankle on a rock or root you might not see in time.

So, the senses you need in the city to survive are actually the opposite of the senses you need in the wilderness to survive. This is something to be aware of. So, being able to shift your senses back and forth depending upon where you are right then is important. So, learn to be able to adapt your senses to whatever location you are on earth so you don't get physically, spiritually or psychologically injured wherever you are.

By God's Grace

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