Sunday, January 13, 2019

from the last article: 2019 is shaping up to be the most politically explosive year ever

When I see this title I think of the two most common ways people tend to think in this country.

The first is completely paranoid about everything.

And the second is progressive in it's thinking.

Being paranoid is being afraid of any changes at all. (There is some good reasoning behind this given 15,000 years of world history by the way).

And Being Progressive: Even though being progressive is seen as a good thing by the young (under 30), older people often see being progressive as thinning out the population in various ways.

And they are both right in many different ways.

But, in the end a mix of progressive and paranoid ideas is how people have survived the last 15,000 years in civilizations too.

Paranoia is about PTSD from war and abuse in their lives.

Being progressive is about not having had PTSD in a sever enough form yet in your life.

So, there is always this struggle between the extreme PTSD (from people coming back from wars or having been in gangs or having been raped) and the more progressive and idealistic points of view from people less victimized in their lives (so far).

However, during crises like Global warming and overpopulation the divides grow and paranoid people become even more paranoid (like during the Great Depression, World War II and some were like this into the 1950s too from PTSD from the Great Depression and World War II.

So now, global warming could kill us all this century or the next. But, without a more progressive point of view (there is no hope that ANY of us will survive this either).

So, this is the struggle as we see it today here on earth. And it likely will get much much worse (like the Great Depression and World war II before it gets any better (if it gets better).

We are dealing with global warming and overpopulation while we are also dealing with a Technological Singularity building speed every single day now.

Most people aren't really aware of how the Technological singularity ends lives yet. But, those who survive it (this century and the next) will have to learn or they won't be here either.

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