Friday, January 18, 2019

I never personally put cookies ever at this site: For European Union Readers

However, it is possible that there might be cookies in some things I quote that were put there by other people and it is possible that (blogspot) might put cookies here. But I never do.

Since 2007 I have chosen no longer to code directly into HTML but rather to use Autoencoders (a type of Artificial intelligence) that codes for me which saves me 90% to 99% of my time by doing this this way.
Even though I can still code in HTML and have been able to read code and to write code since I taught myself how to by saving a page and playing with the code until I realized how all the parameters worked in the 1990s, I prefer not to directly code anymore simply because it is too time consuming and after all I'm here not to code for you but rather to write to heal myself and others and to inform by quoting what I consider to be important things for you to know worldwide so that you and your families might survive and prosper better on into the future.

By God's Grace

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