Wednesday, January 16, 2019

I think CNN was just reconfiguring it's website for today

It seems like not being able to quote CNN today was a fluke during some kind of reconfiguration of their website. So, likely I will still be able to quote relevant articles here at this site. I try to give you what I think are the most important things for you to consider each day I do quotes.

The question I ask myself is: "What do people need to know so their lives are not completely destroyed?"

When I ask this question I'm thinking about all of your futures as an intuitive.

Without enough good decisions the people perish en masse and individually.

I was taught to make good decisions by my father.

He once told me as a boy in the 1950s: "You will be making decisions all your life. Therefore you cannot get bogged down in being afraid to make decisions. All you can do is to keep making them. You will NEVER have enough information to make perfect decisions because no one does. So, you have to make decisions knowing you might have to change some of them on the fly later. So, as new information arises you keep changing your decisions the best you can ongoing. This is the way to the best life possible."

By God's Grace

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