Friday, January 4, 2019

The Trade war problem from my point of view

The trade war with China likely will be for the most part counterproductive to everyone on earth.


Because the Chinese system of government is also a State owned corporation as opposed to Free Enterprise which is what we actually have in the U.S., Canada and Europe. So, there ARE NO comparisons to the Chinese Culture back to the European and U.S. model.

So, it is sort of like trying to make an agreement with another planet so different are the two basic systems of economics.

From the ancient Chinese point of view, "Anyone other than Chinese are barbarians and have no rights at all to anything". So, from the ancient point of view (Still practiced by Chinese government today) "Americans have NO rights to whatever they invent, only the Chinese have a right to whatever Americans (or any other nation invents).

But, I see the problem in a different way even than this.

The problem I see is EXACTLY why Pear Harbor happened when we had a Trade war with Japan.

They were honor bound in a Samurai way to attack us (or more specifically to count Coup on us) because the Japanese never had any intention of going to war with the U.S. because they knew they couldn't win such a war in 1941. They ONLY wanted to punish the U.S. for the Trade War.

The same thing could actually happen now with China if China wants to PUNISH the U.S. and this could already be happening now through a Cyber war against the U.S. by China. According to a graph in a previous article I quoted, U.S. Exports to China are down 18.7% but imports from China are continuing into the U.S. So, the net result is American businesses are hurting incredibly but Chinese businesses are not being hurt as much as U.S. businesses (at least for the present).

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