Monday, January 21, 2019

The Trial Separation of the Republican and Democratic parties

The Trial Separation in the Divorce of the Republican and Democratic parties is likely fatal for Republicans in the long run.


Because it is no longer the Republican Party but the party of "Crazy Trump". The Democratic party is still a party but Trump has stolen it from all Republicans.

So, the trial separation is really a lie.

What is really happening is that Trump is being blackmailed by Putin and either Putin or Trump is blackmailing McConnell in the Senate who is therefore Blackmailing the American People.

I wouldn't say that the Democrats are being blackmailed because they aren't buying into any of Trump's or McConnells Bullshit.

It's sort of like watching Trump and McConnell as children on a Safeway Market Floor screaming and having a tantrum because they want candy. But, you cannot give into this unless you want juvenile delinquents as children as they grow up. So, Pelosi is being a good mother or Grandmother to those wayward children Trump and McConnell.

What is the next step?

Likely riots in the street and some kind of revolution likely is next at this point.

Putin wants to destroy the U.S. Government. AT this point it looks like he may be succeeding at least for the present moment and month. What are you going to do about it?

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