Friday, January 4, 2019

Though I don't think Warren could win she might bring down Trump

Elizabeth Warren is completely ruthless (in a totally opposite way to Trump). Because of this she very well might bring down Trump because she is as principled as Trump is not.

Her fighting him might very well bring him down as she in a detailed way hits him on all his most obvious faults.

So, as more comes out about Trump she may very well "kick him to the curb".

But, because she is just SOOO Liberal there is no way she can get enough independents to vote for her (that I can presently see). The second problem is we have never elected a woman president ever since 1776. This might be an easy barrier for some of you in your minds. But, in reality it makes sense to me that a black man (Obama) was elected before a woman. Also, we have never had a Jewish President, even though we have had one Catholic President JFK. But, look carefully because JFK was assassinated likely partly because he WAS Catholic (and he wanted the people to know the truth about UFOs). So, being Catholic and wanting the People of the world to know the truth about UFOs were two of the Definite reasons JFK was assassinated.

So, this gives Elizabeth Warren (or Hillary Clinton) only a 1 in 10 chance (or any woman right now) of ever becoming president.

Think about this for a moment: Every president including Obama (pretty much) has gone to Harvard or Yale (Obama was president of the Harvard Law Review which is the most prestigious legal position for any law student in the U.S. and was a Constitutional Law Scholar). And with the exception of Obama all were WASP Males (except Kennedy) who was a Catholic. A WASP just means White Anglo Saxon Protestant.

But, within 20 to 30 years I believe we WILL have a woman president. But the conditions have to be PERFECT like they were for Obama to be elected for that to actually happen.But, also likely she will have gone to either Harvard or Yale and have a Law Degree from one of those and she likely will be a White Anglo Saxon Female who is Protestant (like Hillary or Warren) Warren went to Rutgers Law School so likely she couldn't be elected president. However, Hillary went to Yale Law School which is why under different conditions she could be elected president. But, I think she now is too old to successfully run.

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