Monday, April 22, 2019

It used to be much easier to create "links" or word buttons

Now it seems the only way to do that is to go back and create one directly using HTML. But, for at least 10 years I could do this by putting a URL directly into either Google or Yahoo to create a link or word button but especially for Google this appears to be no longer the case. I'm not sure why this is other than companies not wanting it easy for non-commercial users to have easy access to word buttons ("Links") this is my present thought about all this. So, it is about money more than anything else.

If you have a blog at (Blogspot) like I do and you only work in the Compose mode because you cannot program in HTML I might be able to teach you how to create a word button from your URLs. Just remember you need to be in "HTML" mode and not in "Compose" mode when you do this.

Note: I noticed this isn't loading right for some reason so you likely have to go to the URL below to more fully understand because the HTML codes are obliterated mostly by this quote for some reason.

If you want an existing word button from anywhere quoted to your site so your readers can find it more easily this is how it is done from "Compose" First you go up to edit which if you are in Chrome is to the left top of your screen. Then to the right of Chrome is File and then edit. Now click on "Edit" and a screen should drop down. For copying a word button or "link" you want to first left click through it so it turns usually blue or purple (the complete word button you want from anywhere). Then you click "Copy" from the Edit button drop down menu. If your computer copied it properly then you put your cursor usually on another open window at your site where you are in "compose" if you are a blogger at Blogspot ( in your open compose place you put your cursor now. Then you go up to edit once again and drop the menu down and then click (with your cursor where you want the word button or link to be by clicking on "Paste" from the edit drop down menu. Then it should be there if you did everything right and your computer is working properly too. Sometimes I have to do this two or three times if there are network disturbances or stuff like that to make a button or link work. Then click UPDATE from your compose site and then test your word button to see if it works properly.

The following instructs you how to go into HTML instead of compose and to create a link or word button for yourself.

Note: once again the HTML isn't loading the code right on the page in green below so you should load the URL to really understand the HTML properly.

By the way if you don't know this most online code is either HTML or Java or a combination thereof these days or one of several other compatible online computer languages. But, HTML was the original basis of everything online worldwide on the world wide web.

When you go into "compose" as a blogger the site uses Artificial intelligence encoders which is a computer program to turn your compose stuff into HTML or other compatible languages understood by online computers and devices around the world.

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 HTML Links :

The tags used to produce links are the  and 

The  tells where the link should start and the  indicates where the link ends.

Everything between these two will work as a link.

The target of the link is added to the  tag using
the href="" setting.

The example below shows how to make the word here work as a link to yahoo.

Click here
 to go to yahoo.

You simply:
  • Specify the target in the .

  • Then add the text that should work as a link.

  • Finally add an 
 tag to indicate where the link ends.


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