This is the answer to how I made it through my 20s.
I realized somewhere between age 18 and 20 that making long term plans weren't going to work for me in life and that I needed instead to become an opportunist.
Many people are planners I see that. But, I watched how my life because of my nature couldn't be like that. I tend to be disappointed easily I find in life and I don't do disappointment well for whatever the reason.
So, by becoming more of an opportunist and less of a planner I found a way to stay alive and not self destruct.
I remember watching people going through college and then becoming doctors, lawyers, dentists or whatever and then having miserable lives simply because of their student loans and maybe marrying the wrong person. I realized that life was miserable enough without making mistakes like that.
So, I decided to become more of an opportunist and less of a planner. So, my life has been an amazing adventure and many of the people who did all the planning seemed to die young one by one whereas I'm still alive at 70 because my life has been interesting sort of like an ongoing adventure.
It didn't mean my life didn't have problems, it just meant my life was amazing in that it never has been boring.
Some people might need boring lives for one reason or another. But, for me, the 1950s were already boring enough and I needed an adventurous life after my childhood of being raised by two ministers if you know what I mean.
So that, even though their religion was the worst and best thing that ever happened to me, still I needed an adventurous life in order to be able to choose to be alive at all.
So, for me, my motto became "One Day one moment at a time"
It still serves me well now into my 70s which is amazing to contemplate while I watch all my friends and relatives pass away one by one around me.
Just remember "One day one moment at a time"
Oh. and by the way maybe you should marry a planner because when your spouse gets all wound up too much in the plans you can calm her down like I do.
One day one moment at a time seems to lead to longevity the most I find.
Life is an adventure if you are in the here and now enough of the time to really be present.
By God's Grace
To the best of my ability I write about my experience of the Universe Past, Present and Future
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