Saturday, April 6, 2019

Regarding today's TEchnology: The Carrington Event of 1859

The most similar thing they had in 1859 to present day technology likely would have to be the Telegraph system crossing the U.S. and Europe at that time which was before the Telephone, and a way to send communications instantly thousands of miles in 1859 around North America and Europe at that time. So, they were sort of the "Text Messages" of 1859.

The reports of Telegraph operators being shocked when they tried to send or receive messages, of fires starting in their papers caused by the telegraph lines, of disconnecting their power supplies and still being able to send telegraphs everywhere (without any power connected to the lines directly) begins to show to us that if you understand modern Electrical technology it gives us a vague idea of what a similar event would do to modern day technology which is in the form of microchips and magnetic memory found in hard drives in computers etc. which is much more vulnerable because of the extremely low voltages used in regard to microchips and hard drives on computers around the world.

Also, the  Electrical Corona (which you might see as the aurora Borealis as far south as Cuba) in the last one of such an event carries directly through the air all over the planet too, so even though an airplane is a faraday cage and so is an automobile which can protect from direct lightning strikes the passengers inside these vehicles on air, land and sea, it doesn't also protect the technology that allows the plane to be in the sky at all. It might not affect the wings and tail section of the plane that is stationary but all control surfaces that actually move on a passenger plane are going to be affected by something like this and the means of controlling these movable control surfaces would fail from the Corona of the new Carrington event frying the electronics so movements of yokes (steering wheels) and pedals (rudders) of those passenger planes wouldn't work anymore because the movements wouldn't electronically transfer to the control surfaces anymore after the new Carrington Event actually happened because all those circuits would have fried from the Event.

The result very likely could be the deaths of around 250,000 people or more in those passenger planes facing the sun when the New Carrington Event occurred whenever that happens.

I started with the fact that an average of 5000 passenger planes are presently in the air 24 hours a day now on earth. This is a 24 hour a day average because it is always daytime somewhere on the planet (even though often passenger planes don't tend to fly much between midnight and 6 am in any time zone worldwide.

So, then I take 2500 planes on the side facing the sun and giving an average of 100 passengers per plane (which could actually be much higher or lower than this) depending upon the day or time of the year worldwide. If you then multiply 2500 planes by 100 you wind up with 250,000 people dying potentially or more in such an event (and these would just be deaths from planes in the air) not on the ground.

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