Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The 4th industrial revolution the way it is described IS the Technological Singularity

I suppose it is all about the speed of change. While everyone diddles with dealing with Trump the technological singularity is already stealing all the jobs of the middle Class and poor in the more developed nations. Self driving cars and trucks are evidence of this alone because Uber soon won't hire drivers and will ONLY use artificial intelligence to drive people around. Will some people die from Artificial intelligence? Yes. But, companies likely will pay to cover this up so you won't notice that much.

However, don't expect me to climb into an artificial intelligence driven car unless it has an emergency steering wheel and brake that I can use to stop the thing if it goes haywire in an EMP or Solar Flare.

though we all might happy about Tesla cars being manufactured at a break neck pace by Artificial intelligence robots, still it is important to note how many people are NOT working at Tesla Building cars because they don't need people on the line much because only robots are building them now.

So, unless you have an artificial intelligence or computer science degree don't expect to work at Tesla- EVER. Actually Computer science would be the degree with Artificial intelligence as a specialty from some place like MIT or Cal Tech.

So, it is about the acceleration of exponential change to the 1st world nations with all other nations not being very far behind in this.

Imagine you have a regular car and it accelerates zero  to 60 in about 8 to 10 seconds. Then you get into a Tesla model S and it is zero to 60 in 2.5 seconds. Then someone invents a car that goes zero to 60 i 1 second. I think if you try to go any faster than that then people might pass out and even zero to 60 in one second might make people pass out too.

So, this is the comparison to the speed of change in first world nations regarding jobs and technology at this point which is why we aren't replacing the almost 10 million people's factory jobs lost since 2000 here in the U.S. now.

So, the best way I can put this is "We are heading towards the Technological Singularity right now and it is like a race car slowly increasing it's speeds exponentially. So, maybe we are going 160 to 200 miles per hour right now and we will be going 400 by this time next year and 800 mph by the next and 1000 mph the next. But, by 2049 we will be traveling at the speed of light. But, will we still be alive and human beings then? No one really knows at this point.

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