Monday, April 15, 2019

The effects of Ahimsa Vows are both Physical and Supernatural

What do I mean by this?

Being a harmless being is a precedent it is a habit pattern you are establishing.

Have you ever heard of the adage: "He who lives by the sword dies by the Sword?"

Ahimsa is the opposite of this.

Ahimsa causes good will from all beings towards you. It causes good will from you towards all other beings in the universe.

As you become proficient at this habit pattern you notice that you stop having nightmares ever or they at least lessen markedly. Why?

Because the things you kill don't have to attack you astrally after they are dead in self defense.

So, with Ahimsa Vows that you take and this then  changes your life and all others. Why?

Because when you stop being a murderer of anything, you become a father or a mother of everything or a grandmother or grandfather of everything. Every living thing becomes family to you as you practice Ahimsa over time.

You have no enemies that are  humans or any other life form.

And this isn't just physical it is also astral. And Astral affects your thoughts and dreams ongoing.

So, what does Ahimsa Bring?

Peace of Body and Mind and also longevity

By God's Grace

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